Selamaaaaaaaattttttttttttt malam semuaaaa :D
Minal Aidzin Wal'faidzin 'nggeh buat semua temanteman yang merayakan :D
Maafkan semua kesalahan cet yang disengaja maupun yang gak disengaja :D
hmmm.. betewe betewe hari ini capek juga.. seharian jagain toko --"
mbaaakkk,, cepeeett pulangg dari mudikk.. udah gak betaaahhh >< #ngeroengngeroeng
tetangga sebelah ada tuh yang jaga punya toko nama tokonya "X-SPORT"
emang sih bagus*, namanya jyga barang import. yang punya sekaligus yang jaga tuh lumayan cakep sih #ngiler hehe
do'i tinggi,cakep,putih,keren... mmm.... cewek mana yang gak blinkblink liat tuh cowok :D
adekku sering nanya "kak,orang itu ganteng ta?" tapi aku pasti jawab "elek"
haha, kan jaim bilang kl dy emang cakep hha, gak tau dia padahal setiap saat saya selalu melihat tuh cowok.. aduuuhh.. iman gak kuan #tidaaakkkkk
tapi coba nahan napsu deh *loh?
hey, aku pake shampoo baru lhoo #bangga :D
hahahaha... untuk merk nyaa disensor ajah yaa :p
tau gak, tadi pas mau pulang kan mama mau beli telor, nah percaya atau tidak semua toko yang kita samperin telornya ABIS SEMUA ><
gilaaakk, pada kemana semua tuh telor?? dierami ibuknya ? gg panas tah bokongnya tuh ibuk ayam :D
tapi untungnya ada satu toko yang telornya masih ada, jadi beli dehh :D
udahan ah, sampai sini ajah )
udah diciumin sama nyamuk nii, mulai nepsong nyamuknyaa :D
bye bye <3
Tempat saya menulis, curhat, iseng* dan menjadi seorang pelajar yang sok isa nulis padahal gak bisa apa-apa HAHAHAH #songong . mencoba jadi anak gaol tapi malah salah gaol --" huufftt. pokoknya baca ya makcoy,makbro #jempol kaki
Selamat datang di Blogg saya HAHAHAH
Perkenalkan nama saya Yudhi Chatariina Simatupang
Silahkan memanggil saya Cath,Cetrin,atau apalah :D
Silahkan jadi Pengikut saya *ngarep* hehe dan Beri Komentar .
Salam Kenal !!!
Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011
Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011
Hari yang esmosi
Hallo :D
kita jumpa lagi #makan.krupuk.BLACK
itulah salah satu makanan favorit saya. LOL
hari ini ditinggal kak agil ke kediri --"
gg enak banget . kangen regg ><
cepet balik ya kak :*
siang* udh diganggu adek .
rrrrrr.. mau digigit tp gak enak haha, jelaslaa,, secara aqiqah bukan vampire kali .LOL
tapi bikin emosi siih punya adik menjengkelkan
kita jumpa lagi #makan.krupuk.BLACK
itulah salah satu makanan favorit saya. LOL
hari ini ditinggal kak agil ke kediri --"
gg enak banget . kangen regg ><
cepet balik ya kak :*
siang* udh diganggu adek .
rrrrrr.. mau digigit tp gak enak haha, jelaslaa,, secara aqiqah bukan vampire kali .LOL
tapi bikin emosi siih punya adik menjengkelkan
aku pernah bilang sama mama "rencananya sih dulu aku pengen sayang* rambo(adek bungsu) sampe TK doang, pas masuk sd pengen aku buang" HAHAHA
soalnya menurutku anak* sekitar sampe TK masih unyu*, tp selebihnya pasti itu bakal bikin emosi semakin meningkat. dan itu TERBUKTI !
buktinya dirumah gag pernah tenang,berantem terus. apalagi adekku yang paling gedhe namanya bobi.
aduhh.. rumah bakal jadi sarang tinju kalu aku lagi berantem sama dia
HAHAHAH, maklumlah, namanya juga saudara :D
kalau gak berantem kurang afdol :D
Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011
Consecrating the Drops of Blood which Our Lord lost on His way to Calvary.
Copy of a letter of the Oration found in the Holy Sepulchre of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Jerusalem, preserved in a silver box by His Holiness and by the Emperors and Empresses of the Christian Faith.
St. Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary, with St. Matilda and St. Bridget, wishing to know something of the Passion of Jesus Christ, offered fervent and special prayers, upon which there appeared to them Our Lord Jesus Christ Who spoke to them in the following manner:
I descended from Heaven to the Earth in order to convert you. In olden times people were religious and their harvests were abundant; at present, on the contrary, they are scanty.
If you want to reap an abundant harvest you must not work on Sunday, for on Sunday you must go to Church, and pray to God to forgive your sins. He gave you six days in which to work and one for rest and devotion and to tender your help to the poor and assist the Church.
Those people who brawl against My religion and cast slurs on this Sacred Letter, shall be forsaken by Me.
On the contrary, those people who shall carry a copy of this letter with them shall be free of death by drowning and from sudden death. They shall be free from all contagious diseases and lightning; they shall not die without Confession, and shall be free from their enemies and from the hand of wrongful authority, and from all their slanderers and false witnesses.
Women in peril at child-birth will, by keeping this Oration about them. immediately overcome the difficulty. In the houses where this Oration is kept,no evil thing will ever happen: and forty days before the death of a person who has this Oration about him or her, the Blessed Virgin will appear to him or her. So said St. Gregorius.
1. The plenary indulgence and remittance of your sins.
2. You will be free from the pains of Purgatory.
3. If you should die before completing the said 3 years, for you it will be the same as if you had completed them.
4. It will be upon your death the same as if you had shed all your blood for the Holy Faith.
5. I will descend from Heaven to take your soul and that of your relatives, until the fourth generation.
Be it known that the number of armed soldiers were 150; those who trailed me while I was bound were 23. The executioners of justice were 83; the blows received on my head were 150; those on my stomach, 108; kicks on my shoulders, 80. I was led, bound with cords by the hair, 24 times; spits in the face were 180; I was beaten on the body 6666 times; beaten on the head 110 times; I was roughly pushed, and at 12 o' clock I was lifted up by the hair; pricked with thorns and pulled by the beard 23 times; received 20 wounds on the head; thorns of marine junks, 72; pricks of thorns in the head, 110; mortal thorns in the forehead, 3. I was afterwards flogged and dressed as a mocked king; wounds in the body, 1000. The soldiers who led Me to the Calvary were 608; those who watched Me were 3, and those who mocked Me were 1008; the drops of blood which I lost were 28,430.BENEDETTA DA SS., POPE LEO XIII, IN ROMA 5 APRILE 1890
The following list of miracles and promises or warnings attached are published here, but with the caution that we do not know if the approval of Pope Leo XIII was for this portion as well.
A second and similar copy of this Letter has been found in a place called "Pursit," three leagues from Marseilles, written in golden letters, and believed to be of supernatural origin. It was found by a boy 7 years old of the same town. With it is an appendix and declaration of the 2nd of January, 1750, which says: "All those who work on Sunday, will be cursed by me, for on the Sacred day you must rest, go to Church, attend all Divine Services, so that you and your generation will be blessed.
If on the contrary you do not believe this you will be chastised, and to your children I will send pest, famine, war, spasms and heartaches; to show you My anger, you will see signs in the sky, thunders and earthquakes.
Those who do not believe that this letter is written by Divine workmanship and dictated by the Sacred Mouth of Christ, and who will keep it hidden from other persons, will be cursed by God and condemned on the Day of Judgment. To those who will publish it, if they have many sins and are truly repentant for having offended Me, even though they have done some injury to their neighbors, when they ask pardon I will cancel their sins. Those who will copy this, or read it, or who will induce others to read it, will be free from all temptations."
A certain Spanish Captain traveling by land near Barcelona, saw a head severed from the body, which spoke to him as follows, "As you are bound for Barcelona, my good man, for God's sake send hither a Priest so that I may confess myself. It is already three days now that I have been attacked by robbers, and I cannot die without first confessing myself." The Captain brought the Confessor to the place; the living head confessed and then expired. On the body from which the head had been severed, the present Oration was found. On that occasion it was approved by several Tribunals of the Holy Inquisition and by the Queen of Spain. The said Paters, Glorias and Aves can be recited for the benefit of any soul.At the time of the terrible earthquake in Northern Italy and in France, a girl from Nice named Nathaline was caught under a fallen house and remained 3 days buried alive. When unearthed, a copy of this Letter was found on her! She was illiterate and uneducated. When found she was sleeping, untouched by the devastation of the earthquake!
On March 12, 1821, many emigrants from S. Giovanni Incarico, in the Province of Caserta (Italy) sailed for America to look for work. During the trip they were caught in a most terrible storm, which threw their ship into collision with a warship. This caused it to sink. The event occurred on the 19th, St. Joseph's Day. Out of the 667 people on board, only 9 were saved. Everyone of them had a copy of this Letter of Christ in his possession. The survivors were found almost naked, wearing only their vests, in the pockets of which the Letters were found, dry and not even wrinkled!
Two of the survivors from the same town, named Luigi Ceccaccio and Francesco Nero, furnished ample and substantial proof of the miraculous event.
Another miracle of the Sacred Letter of Jesus Christ was revealed at the Island of Iri, also in Italy. A man was peacefully sleeping in his bed, when a mysterious hand shook him abruptly and a voice thundered: "Get up in haste, and save yourself, in a corner of the house!" Promptly complying with the divine warning, the man rose and reached, pale and trembling, a remote corner, just in time to see the floor whereon he had lain in bed, sink into a deep abyss. This Letter saved him.
Another miracle was accomplished by the "Mater Dolorosa" three miles from the town of Castelpetrosa, in the Province of Campobasso, Italy. A 13 year old shepherdess, named Maria Grazia Estassia Bibiana, was attending to her duties in the vicinity of an old Convent. Suddenly appeared to her, and to her astonished mother who was nearby, the Virgin Mater Dolorosa, who told them: "Come with me to this old Church, wherein My Son is vexed with the people of the world, as there are too many sins committed, vice is rampant everywhere; religion is neglected. Therefore destructive earthquakes, pestilence and famine are putting humanity to severe punishment. Go to Church and receive your Holy Communion at least once a year. Thus, He will pardon your sins." Then the Virgin disappeared.
Another miracle was reported recently. In the last days of June, 1889, there appeared at the railroad station of Ancona a woman in mourning. She said she was to go to Rome but lacked the money to pay for her ticket. The train left the station but after a while it stopped. Though 5 more engines were added, it would not budge. A gentleman on the train, named Chev Morelli, thought of the black dressed lady who could not board the train at the station for the lack of the money to pay her fare to Rome. He went immediately to find her, and he offered to pay for it. He paid, in fact, 47 lires for a first class ticket to Rome. This the lady accepted under the condition that she travel alone. No sooner had the lady boarded the train, than it started up speedily, to the astonishment of all.
Chev Morelli, upon reaching Rome, wished to pay his respects to the lady. He went to the car where she had been seated. However, no one was there, and on the seat he found 2,000 lire in money and a note in golden letters, which read, "I am the Mater Dolorosa Virgin; and I wish to tell the sinners of the world that they must redeem themselves, believe in God and serve Him. Otherwise, a great calamity will soon befall Christianity."
His Holiness the Pope received a letter October 2nd, 1889 wherein it was stated that if in the future the people would not renounce the devil and all his work, mortifying all evils and corrupt dealings, and make solemn vows of proceeding daily in all virtue and godliness of living, they would be overcome by disaster. This Letter was sent by the Saviour, Christ. It mentioned the appearance of the Mater Dolorosa at Ancona. It declared that on the last Good Friday no visitors were seen at the Holy Sepulchre. It sid that people should remember the Day of Judgment, when the faithful shall enjoy the Glory of the Heavens and the ungodly shall be overwhelmed in a storm of snares, fire, brimstones, and bolts.
On July 2nd, 1889, when a terrible flood caused ruin, misery and appalling loss of life, the few survivors found in the many districts stricken by the disaster were in many cases in possession of the Sacred Letter.
One Giovanni Santarello who happened to be in France at the time of the earthquake, which made thousands of victims in the Southern Departments, was found buried alive under the wreck of a house after remaining in a deep anxiety four days and four nights. A copy of this Sacred Letter was found on him.
In commemoration of the apparition of the Mater Dolorosa Virgin in Ancoma, the people of the Township of Castelpetrosa, in the Province of Campobasso were so deeply shaken by the divine event that a great revival of worship was proclaimed and a pilgrimage was organized. At a meeting of the leading citizens, the clergy and authorities, it was resolved to build a great temple in honor of the Holy Virgin. On the day set for the laying of the cornerstone, a great gathering of bishops, priests, high church dignitaries and the laity, assisted by several hundred workmen, were ready to start the ceremony. Suddenly all tools, picks and shovels disappeared. To the spectators' terrified eyes appeared the Mater Dolorosa Virgin, who said: "Why are you digging this ground? Yonder, amid those beautiful woods, you will find the Sanctuary for your worship."
Speechless and confused the people beheld, as she vanished, the Virgin ascending to the heavens. A few days afterwards, three miles from Castelpetrosa, in the vicinity of the old Convent, three magnificent fountains were found beside a shrine decked with flowers and golden stars, seemingly erected by a divine hand.
On the solemn occasion of the last Pope's Jubilee, the Saviour, Christ, made His sudden appearance to the Pope, who was then on his throne, surrounded by cardinals, bishops and high dignitaries of the Church. The Holy Spirit spoke thus: "People of the world, forsake your sins or else the end shall soon be forthcoming!" Our Lord then disappeared. All present threw themselves at the feet of the Pope, beseeching pardon and clemency!
Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be
Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done,
on earth, as it is in Heave. Give us this day our
daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is
the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,
now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Consecrating the Drops of Blood which Our Lord lost on His way to Calvary.
Copy of a letter of the Oration found in the Holy Sepulchre of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Jerusalem, preserved in a silver box by His Holiness and by the Emperors and Empresses of the Christian Faith.
St. Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary, with St. Matilda and St. Bridget, wishing to know something of the Passion of Jesus Christ, offered fervent and special prayers, upon which there appeared to them Our Lord Jesus Christ Who spoke to them in the following manner:
I descended from Heaven to the Earth in order to convert you. In olden times people were religious and their harvests were abundant; at present, on the contrary, they are scanty.
If you want to reap an abundant harvest you must not work on Sunday, for on Sunday you must go to Church, and pray to God to forgive your sins. He gave you six days in which to work and one for rest and devotion and to tender your help to the poor and assist the Church.
Those people who brawl against My religion and cast slurs on this Sacred Letter, shall be forsaken by Me.
On the contrary, those people who shall carry a copy of this letter with them shall be free of death by drowning and from sudden death. They shall be free from all contagious diseases and lightning; they shall not die without Confession, and shall be free from their enemies and from the hand of wrongful authority, and from all their slanderers and false witnesses.
Women in peril at child-birth will, by keeping this Oration about them. immediately overcome the difficulty. In the houses where this Oration is kept,no evil thing will ever happen: and forty days before the death of a person who has this Oration about him or her, the Blessed Virgin will appear to him or her. So said St. Gregorius.
1. The plenary indulgence and remittance of your sins.
2. You will be free from the pains of Purgatory.
3. If you should die before completing the said 3 years, for you it will be the same as if you had completed them.
4. It will be upon your death the same as if you had shed all your blood for the Holy Faith.
5. I will descend from Heaven to take your soul and that of your relatives, until the fourth generation.
Be it known that the number of armed soldiers were 150; those who trailed me while I was bound were 23. The executioners of justice were 83; the blows received on my head were 150; those on my stomach, 108; kicks on my shoulders, 80. I was led, bound with cords by the hair, 24 times; spits in the face were 180; I was beaten on the body 6666 times; beaten on the head 110 times; I was roughly pushed, and at 12 o' clock I was lifted up by the hair; pricked with thorns and pulled by the beard 23 times; received 20 wounds on the head; thorns of marine junks, 72; pricks of thorns in the head, 110; mortal thorns in the forehead, 3. I was afterwards flogged and dressed as a mocked king; wounds in the body, 1000. The soldiers who led Me to the Calvary were 608; those who watched Me were 3, and those who mocked Me were 1008; the drops of blood which I lost were 28,430.BENEDETTA DA SS., POPE LEO XIII, IN ROMA 5 APRILE 1890
The following list of miracles and promises or warnings attached are published here, but with the caution that we do not know if the approval of Pope Leo XIII was for this portion as well.
A second and similar copy of this Letter has been found in a place called "Pursit," three leagues from Marseilles, written in golden letters, and believed to be of supernatural origin. It was found by a boy 7 years old of the same town. With it is an appendix and declaration of the 2nd of January, 1750, which says: "All those who work on Sunday, will be cursed by me, for on the Sacred day you must rest, go to Church, attend all Divine Services, so that you and your generation will be blessed.
If on the contrary you do not believe this you will be chastised, and to your children I will send pest, famine, war, spasms and heartaches; to show you My anger, you will see signs in the sky, thunders and earthquakes.
Those who do not believe that this letter is written by Divine workmanship and dictated by the Sacred Mouth of Christ, and who will keep it hidden from other persons, will be cursed by God and condemned on the Day of Judgment. To those who will publish it, if they have many sins and are truly repentant for having offended Me, even though they have done some injury to their neighbors, when they ask pardon I will cancel their sins. Those who will copy this, or read it, or who will induce others to read it, will be free from all temptations."
A certain Spanish Captain traveling by land near Barcelona, saw a head severed from the body, which spoke to him as follows, "As you are bound for Barcelona, my good man, for God's sake send hither a Priest so that I may confess myself. It is already three days now that I have been attacked by robbers, and I cannot die without first confessing myself." The Captain brought the Confessor to the place; the living head confessed and then expired. On the body from which the head had been severed, the present Oration was found. On that occasion it was approved by several Tribunals of the Holy Inquisition and by the Queen of Spain. The said Paters, Glorias and Aves can be recited for the benefit of any soul.At the time of the terrible earthquake in Northern Italy and in France, a girl from Nice named Nathaline was caught under a fallen house and remained 3 days buried alive. When unearthed, a copy of this Letter was found on her! She was illiterate and uneducated. When found she was sleeping, untouched by the devastation of the earthquake!
On March 12, 1821, many emigrants from S. Giovanni Incarico, in the Province of Caserta (Italy) sailed for America to look for work. During the trip they were caught in a most terrible storm, which threw their ship into collision with a warship. This caused it to sink. The event occurred on the 19th, St. Joseph's Day. Out of the 667 people on board, only 9 were saved. Everyone of them had a copy of this Letter of Christ in his possession. The survivors were found almost naked, wearing only their vests, in the pockets of which the Letters were found, dry and not even wrinkled!
Two of the survivors from the same town, named Luigi Ceccaccio and Francesco Nero, furnished ample and substantial proof of the miraculous event.
Another miracle of the Sacred Letter of Jesus Christ was revealed at the Island of Iri, also in Italy. A man was peacefully sleeping in his bed, when a mysterious hand shook him abruptly and a voice thundered: "Get up in haste, and save yourself, in a corner of the house!" Promptly complying with the divine warning, the man rose and reached, pale and trembling, a remote corner, just in time to see the floor whereon he had lain in bed, sink into a deep abyss. This Letter saved him.
Another miracle was accomplished by the "Mater Dolorosa" three miles from the town of Castelpetrosa, in the Province of Campobasso, Italy. A 13 year old shepherdess, named Maria Grazia Estassia Bibiana, was attending to her duties in the vicinity of an old Convent. Suddenly appeared to her, and to her astonished mother who was nearby, the Virgin Mater Dolorosa, who told them: "Come with me to this old Church, wherein My Son is vexed with the people of the world, as there are too many sins committed, vice is rampant everywhere; religion is neglected. Therefore destructive earthquakes, pestilence and famine are putting humanity to severe punishment. Go to Church and receive your Holy Communion at least once a year. Thus, He will pardon your sins." Then the Virgin disappeared.
Another miracle was reported recently. In the last days of June, 1889, there appeared at the railroad station of Ancona a woman in mourning. She said she was to go to Rome but lacked the money to pay for her ticket. The train left the station but after a while it stopped. Though 5 more engines were added, it would not budge. A gentleman on the train, named Chev Morelli, thought of the black dressed lady who could not board the train at the station for the lack of the money to pay her fare to Rome. He went immediately to find her, and he offered to pay for it. He paid, in fact, 47 lires for a first class ticket to Rome. This the lady accepted under the condition that she travel alone. No sooner had the lady boarded the train, than it started up speedily, to the astonishment of all.
Chev Morelli, upon reaching Rome, wished to pay his respects to the lady. He went to the car where she had been seated. However, no one was there, and on the seat he found 2,000 lire in money and a note in golden letters, which read, "I am the Mater Dolorosa Virgin; and I wish to tell the sinners of the world that they must redeem themselves, believe in God and serve Him. Otherwise, a great calamity will soon befall Christianity."
His Holiness the Pope received a letter October 2nd, 1889 wherein it was stated that if in the future the people would not renounce the devil and all his work, mortifying all evils and corrupt dealings, and make solemn vows of proceeding daily in all virtue and godliness of living, they would be overcome by disaster. This Letter was sent by the Saviour, Christ. It mentioned the appearance of the Mater Dolorosa at Ancona. It declared that on the last Good Friday no visitors were seen at the Holy Sepulchre. It sid that people should remember the Day of Judgment, when the faithful shall enjoy the Glory of the Heavens and the ungodly shall be overwhelmed in a storm of snares, fire, brimstones, and bolts.
On July 2nd, 1889, when a terrible flood caused ruin, misery and appalling loss of life, the few survivors found in the many districts stricken by the disaster were in many cases in possession of the Sacred Letter.
One Giovanni Santarello who happened to be in France at the time of the earthquake, which made thousands of victims in the Southern Departments, was found buried alive under the wreck of a house after remaining in a deep anxiety four days and four nights. A copy of this Sacred Letter was found on him.
In commemoration of the apparition of the Mater Dolorosa Virgin in Ancoma, the people of the Township of Castelpetrosa, in the Province of Campobasso were so deeply shaken by the divine event that a great revival of worship was proclaimed and a pilgrimage was organized. At a meeting of the leading citizens, the clergy and authorities, it was resolved to build a great temple in honor of the Holy Virgin. On the day set for the laying of the cornerstone, a great gathering of bishops, priests, high church dignitaries and the laity, assisted by several hundred workmen, were ready to start the ceremony. Suddenly all tools, picks and shovels disappeared. To the spectators' terrified eyes appeared the Mater Dolorosa Virgin, who said: "Why are you digging this ground? Yonder, amid those beautiful woods, you will find the Sanctuary for your worship."
Speechless and confused the people beheld, as she vanished, the Virgin ascending to the heavens. A few days afterwards, three miles from Castelpetrosa, in the vicinity of the old Convent, three magnificent fountains were found beside a shrine decked with flowers and golden stars, seemingly erected by a divine hand.
On the solemn occasion of the last Pope's Jubilee, the Saviour, Christ, made His sudden appearance to the Pope, who was then on his throne, surrounded by cardinals, bishops and high dignitaries of the Church. The Holy Spirit spoke thus: "People of the world, forsake your sins or else the end shall soon be forthcoming!" Our Lord then disappeared. All present threw themselves at the feet of the Pope, beseeching pardon and clemency!
Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be
Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done,
on earth, as it is in Heave. Give us this day our
daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is
the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,
now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Profil Jang Geun Suk
Bagi para pecinta drama korea pasti sudah tidak asing dengan nama Jang Geun Suk. Apalagi setelah dramanya ditayangkan oleh salah satu station televisi Indonesia, namanya langsung menjadi idola beberapa gadis remaja penggemar drama korea.
Drama korea yang dibintangi oleh Jang Geun Suk berjudul “He’s Beautiful” sukses di Indonesia, banyak yang menyukainya terutama akting sebagai Hwang Tae Kyung.
Profil Jang Geun Suk. Dia lahir pada tanggal 4 Agustus 1987 di Sebuah kota bernama Danyang, Propinsi Chungcheongbuk, Korea Selatan. Dia adalah anak tunggal dalam keluarga kecilnya. Perjalanan karirnya sebagai seorang entertainer dikatakan sangat penuh keberuntungan.
Semua itu terjadi penuh dengan keberuntungan, ketika orang tuanya berniat untuk menjual rumah mereka secara kebetulan sang calon pembeli adalah seorang pemandu bakat. Jang Geun Suk kecil di rumah tersebut, ia menyarankan orang tuanya Geun Suk mencoba peruntungan di dunia modeling. Pada usia enam tahun, Geun Suk mulai bekerja sebagai model anak.
- Nama: Jang Geun-Suk / Jang Geun-Seok
- Profesi: Actor
- Tanggal Lahir: August 4, 1987
- Tinggi: 182cm
- Berat: 63kg
- Zodiak: Leo
- Golongan darah: A
Film Layar Lebar:
- You’re My Pet | Neoneun Pet (2010)
- Where the Truth Lies | Beogeoking Salinsajeon (2009) – Pearson
- Baby & Me | Ahgiwa Na (2008) – Joon-Soo
- Doremifasolasido (2008) -Shin Eun-Kyu
- Crazy Waiting | Gidarida micheo (2008) – Won-jae
- The Happy Life | Jeulgu woon Insaeng (2007) – Hyeon-Jun
- One Missed Call Final | Chakushin ari final (2006) – An Jinu
Serial TV:
- Marry Me Mary! | Maerineun Uibakjoong (KBS2 / 2010) – Mu-Gyul
- He’s Beautiful! | Minamyisinyeoyo (SBS / 2009) – Hwang Tae-Kyeong
- Beethoven Virus (MBC / 2008) – Kang Geon-Woo
- Hong Gil-Dong, The Hero | Kwaedo Honggildong (KBS2 / 2008) – Lee Chang-Hee
- Hwang Jin-Yi (KBS2 / 2006) – Kim Eun-Ho
- Alien Sam (Tooniverse / 2006) – Bong Sam
- Lovers in Prague | Peurahaui Yeonin (SBS / 2005) – Yun Geun-Hee
- Nonstop 4 | Nonsteutop 4 (MBC / 2003) – Jang Geun-Suk
- Great Ambition | Daemang (SBS / 2002) – Park Si-Young (young)
- Ladies of the Palace | Yeoin Cheonha (SBS / 2001-2002) – Jung-Ryum (young)
- Four Sisters | Ne jamae Iyagi (MBC / 2001) – Young-Hoon (young)
Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011
Kisah J.Law dan Kirio
Jlaw n Kirio itu pasangan Yaoi chinese yang lumayan terkenal
nih blog Jlaw
nih blognya Kirio atu luoluo
*tapi kudu punya account baru bisa liat punya kirio*
J.Law ini model + photografer.
jlaw n kirio sekarang dah tinggal seatap.
itu dia bilang sendiri di blog mereka.
gosip mereka putus itu pas tahun 2008.
emang sih sempet putus nyambung.
sekarang mereka udah balikan lagi.....
di blognya Jlaw. jlaw bilang dia sangat mencintai kekasihnya itu
walaupun teman-temannya ngecam mereka.
udah banyak bgt halangan mereka bersatu
*dunia memang kejam*
jlaw juga minta maaf karena ngecewain ortu, teman-teman dan fansnya yang ternyata dia gay. tapi juga berterima kasih setelah dia tahu ada banyak yang ngedukung hubungan mereka
dia gak maksud buat jadi gay. tapi emang karena dia cinta ma pacarnya.
Trus mereka pernah putus gara2 Jlaw marah, Kirio oplas. *kayaknya matanya*
jadi begini ceritanya
jlaw ma kirio ntu baru ketemu pas akhir desember 2007..
kakak ceweknya kirio itu kenal ma jlaw.
nah setelah 3 bulan temenan jlaw mulai pdkt tu ma kirio..
awalnya si kirio takut gitu... kan dianya emang bukan gay...
apalagi waktu itu si jlawnya baru putus ma pacar lamanya...
kirio jadi model pribadinya si jlaw gitu..
akhirnya mereka deket.
udah gitu mereka pacaran deh..
nah di bulan agustus itu si kirio mutusin buat oplas.
si jlawnya marah karena menurut dia kirio tuh udah cantik. ngapain lagi pake oplas. mereka putus tuh disitu...
tapi putusnya cuma sampai bulan november awal.
mereka balikan deh..
tapi gosip putus mereka baru beredar di masyarakat.
nah awal februari itu mereka mulai tinggal bareng..
pertamanya semua orang nentang bgt.. tapi karena kekuatan jlaw ma kirio mereka akhirnya dapet izin dari ortunya kirio,.
klo ortu nya jlaw udah tahu anaknya gay dari awal.. gara-gara pacar lamanya juga udah dikenalin ma ortunya,,
oh iya
For Your Info
Jlaw itu umurnya 26 dan Kirio umurnya 18
nih tak kasih Foto2nya
kirio tuh yang badannya lebih kecil
n jlaw yang badannya lebih tinggi

Jlaw n Kirio itu pasangan Yaoi chinese yang lumayan terkenal
nih blog Jlaw
nih blognya Kirio atu luoluo
*tapi kudu punya account baru bisa liat punya kirio*
J.Law ini model + photografer.
jlaw n kirio sekarang dah tinggal seatap.
itu dia bilang sendiri di blog mereka.
gosip mereka putus itu pas tahun 2008.
emang sih sempet putus nyambung.
sekarang mereka udah balikan lagi.....
di blognya Jlaw. jlaw bilang dia sangat mencintai kekasihnya itu
walaupun teman-temannya ngecam mereka.
udah banyak bgt halangan mereka bersatu
*dunia memang kejam*
jlaw juga minta maaf karena ngecewain ortu, teman-teman dan fansnya yang ternyata dia gay. tapi juga berterima kasih setelah dia tahu ada banyak yang ngedukung hubungan mereka
dia gak maksud buat jadi gay. tapi emang karena dia cinta ma pacarnya.
Trus mereka pernah putus gara2 Jlaw marah, Kirio oplas. *kayaknya matanya*
jadi begini ceritanya
jlaw ma kirio ntu baru ketemu pas akhir desember 2007..
kakak ceweknya kirio itu kenal ma jlaw.
nah setelah 3 bulan temenan jlaw mulai pdkt tu ma kirio..
awalnya si kirio takut gitu... kan dianya emang bukan gay...
apalagi waktu itu si jlawnya baru putus ma pacar lamanya...
kirio jadi model pribadinya si jlaw gitu..
akhirnya mereka deket.
udah gitu mereka pacaran deh..
nah di bulan agustus itu si kirio mutusin buat oplas.
si jlawnya marah karena menurut dia kirio tuh udah cantik. ngapain lagi pake oplas. mereka putus tuh disitu...
tapi putusnya cuma sampai bulan november awal.
mereka balikan deh..
tapi gosip putus mereka baru beredar di masyarakat.
nah awal februari itu mereka mulai tinggal bareng..
pertamanya semua orang nentang bgt.. tapi karena kekuatan jlaw ma kirio mereka akhirnya dapet izin dari ortunya kirio,.
klo ortu nya jlaw udah tahu anaknya gay dari awal.. gara-gara pacar lamanya juga udah dikenalin ma ortunya,,
oh iya
For Your Info
Jlaw itu umurnya 26 dan Kirio umurnya 18
nih tak kasih Foto2nya
kirio tuh yang badannya lebih kecil
n jlaw yang badannya lebih tinggi

FAKTA J.Law dan Kirio
Ini dia kumpulan fakta dari pasangan gay yang legendaris. J.Law dan Kirio.
1. Nama asli J.Law itu Xia He /夏河
2. Lahir tanggal 20 mei 1982
3. Golongan darah J.Law itu O, kalau saya P dan dia Q, #plakkk
4. Tinggi dan berat badan dia 185 cm/68 kg. Tipe ideal saya banget
5. Dia itu model dan seorang fotografer.
6. Punya studio foto eksklusif di Beijing, yang di sebut HS vision.
7. Xia He lumayan pemarah.
8. Nama asli Kirio itu LuoLuo /洛洛. Bisa juga di panggil Lolo, kiroro, kirio, atau suami Aquila. Bisa banget.
9. TTL : 13 september 1992. Tepat setahun di atas saya. Jodoh ini namanya(??)
10. Golongan darahnya AB. O__oa siap-siap aja di rekrut geng-nya Kim Hee Chul dkk, AB Line xDDD LOLz
11. Tinggi dan berat badannya yaitu 175 cm/46 kg.
12. Disinyalir Kirio menderita Anoreksia.
13. Dia sangat perhatian.
14. Tipe orang yang sedikit omong.
15. Sepertinya orang yang punya intuisi tinggi. Bahasanya beee dalem bener, (dari update weibonya)
16. Suka baca buku. Banyak buku.
17. J.Law bilang. “tiap pagi ada kurir dari toko buku yang mengirim sekotak besar box. Dia letakkan kotak itu di depan pintu. Ini buku. Bayar.”
18. Tiap Tahun Kirio membangun rumah-rumahan dari kayu untuk J.Law. tergantung kreasi dia. So sweet loh rumah-rumahannya ^^, ada tulisan J.Law and Kirio’s house, lalu yang lain juga ada tulisan J.Law and Kirio juga hahaha... Yangampuuuun!!
19. Kalau J.Law marah-marah gaje nih, Kirio gak bakal nanggepin. Tipe dingin mungkin wkwkwk.. dia akan diam saja.
20. J.Law tak percaya pada kata “Forever” T___T
21. J.Law bilang mereka mulai sepakat untuk bersama pas seminggu setelah ketemu. (??)
22. Mereka pertama kali bertemu di Bar.
23. Kisah cinta mereka mulai tahun 2007. Dan disinyalir menikah tahun 2009. Gak kaget sih. Mereka pakai cincin yang sama. Di baaanyak foto.
24. Ketika J.Law mau tampil di LADY GUA GUA show. Kirio berpesan, “Don’t talk about me a lot.” So coooool xDDDD
25. Pernah berkali-kali putus nyambung. Ckckck udah kek tali aja sih pih mih... yang pertama tahun 2010. Trus yang kedua januari kemarin.
26. Buku pertama Kirio berjudul “Elf Song”.
27. J.Law dan Kirio memakai rekening bank yang sama dengan kode yang sama pula. Bagi-bagi napa bang?
28. Kirio ngasih jaket buat J.Law pas Tahun Baru China.
29. J.Law punya temen akrab namanya XiaoHui. Nia anak ekssiiiiiiis bener dah.. ckckck
30. Suka pakai baju kembaran yak kadang-kadang tuh.
31. J.Law itu sangat charming. Persis seperti yang nulis fact ini xD.
32. Hal romantis yang pernah dilakukan J.Law tuh gini. Pas mereka pertama kali kenalan. J.Law minta nomor ponsel Kirio, tapi kirio bilang gak punya pulsa. Eh 10 menit kemudian J.Law sms Kirio kalau nomornya udah di isi pulsa. Hueeee pengeeeeen!!
33. Ketika disinggung mengenai foto mereka yang super duper sweet extreemly, J.Law nanggepinnya gini, “The love isn’t so sweet, it’s because we have a setting(?) And the mood for it”. Bisa disimpulkan kalau hubungan mereka memang sweet. Tapi gak se-sweet itu dan gak selalu sweet. Tiap hubungan pastilah pernah ada masa berantem.
34. Yang duluan masuk ke aliran Yaoi itu si J.Law nya.
35. Tau couple unik nan sweet si YUXI OYO gak? Pasangan yaoi juga. Si uke, Yuxi, rupanya tau si J.Law lho. Dia itu teman mantannya J.Law.
36. Pesan J.Law untuk kirio : Be yourself. I don’t believe in forever, I’m always prepared in ending. I hope before that day, you can help yourself.If we ever break up, then I hope we can still have that lasting memory; if not, then I hope we never change.” T___T aku nangis mamiiiii!!!!
37. J.Law sangat percaya sama Kirio.
38. Ketika J.Law ditanya apa dia dan kirio masih berpegangan tangan ketika di jalan? J.Law menjawab, “tidak lagi, karena dia telah tumbuh.” Ngahahaha... gandeng saya aja dah, sambil bawa payung sama gendang (-____- )a assem.
39. J.Law manggil Kirio dengan sebutan BAO, yang artinya harta karun. Tapi kayaknya sekarang dah berubah jadi WIFE kali ya ngahahah... itu kali\o marah suka banting barang hahaha.. contohnya banting lappie
j itu kali\o marah suka banting barang hahaha.. contohnya banting lappie
Udah ya.. segitu dulu. Bingung mau nerusin kek gimana lagi hahaha.. Maaf jika banyak salah T___TV peace
True Love
Hari ini si pemilik wajah nista ini akan mebahas tentang pertemuan pertama J.Law dan Kirio yang sebenarnya.
sebelum itu, saya ingin share sesuatu...
“In the evening, outside the window I saw a teenager running, in the sunset glow. He ran with a smile, that seemed so naive. And that scene is just too beautiful that cannot be described with words.
I went by and looked at that child’s eyes, and I saw a little deer glowing in his eyes. That Child is a bit of a panic, but was not refuse to look back at me. I swear that at that moment there is no evil desires in my heart, and I just want to stand by his side, even if just to share the beautiful glow on his body. Just at that moment when he was holding his chin and looked up on the sky.
He told me his name, birthday, campus.
He also told me his problems, and some hesitation in his life. He has his own ideals and beliefs of tomorrow but he just preferred to relax himself today. I don’t know how to answer him and just silence smiled and verily I nodded unto him, let him know all these things I understand.
We ran through the whole grassland, hand by hand. And he told me that day that he gave me his first kiss. I remained silence, and I’d nothing to say.
In fact, our met was not really like this, but I’m more willing to set our first met to that particular evening, with flowers and grasses, with me and him looked at each other, silently… So that if one day that all the things leave us, our memories of our first met will still be the memorable one. “
sebelum itu, saya ingin share sesuatu...
“In the evening, outside the window I saw a teenager running, in the sunset glow. He ran with a smile, that seemed so naive. And that scene is just too beautiful that cannot be described with words.
He also told me his problems, and some hesitation in his life. He has his own ideals and beliefs of tomorrow but he just preferred to relax himself today. I don’t know how to answer him and just silence smiled and verily I nodded unto him, let him know all these things I understand.
Cerita dari Blog J.Law itu nyatanya hanya impian dia untuk men-SETTING pertemuannya dengan Kirio menjadi seindah mungkin.
untuk jadi pertemuan indah yang pantas untuk di kenang jika mereka kelak tak bersama lagi.
Faktanya, J.Law memang tak pernah percaya dengan kata 'selamanya.'
Surely..that's made me sad... but he was true, nothing forever in this world.. altough you're life in normal world...
terlepas dari itu... aku akan sedikit bercerita mengenai kisah pertemuan mereka yang sebenarnya. beberapa saya kutip dari interview J.Law di reality show Lady Gua Gua.. reality shoe dari China.
Pertemuan mereka sebenarnya terjadi di bar.
J.Law pertama kali melihat Kirio ya di bar itu. lelaki kecil itu sedang menari seperti kesetanan di sana LOLz
Trus temannya J.Law bilang sama dia, 'mungkin saja DIA ( masuk dalam tipe-mu. kenapatak minta nomor ponsel, lalu berteman dengannya? itu lebih baik dari pada terus memikirkan hubungan masa lalumu'... maksudnya adalah hubungan di masa lalu J.Law dengan mantannya. Apa J.Law broken heart yak? Ngahahaha...
Lidahnya gag nahan xDD
Mendapat saran seperti itu, J.Law langsung menghampiri Kirio dan minta nomor ponsel-nya.
Dan usaha pertama gagal. Kirio tak mau memberikan nomornya. Kirio bilang dia akan memikirkannya dulu.
Kata orang bukan cinta namanya kalau tidak ada perjuangan LOLz
J.Law keukeuh keekekeke
Setelah 10 menit berlalu, J.Law bertemu lagi dengan Kirio.
J.Law bertanya sama Kirio, apa dia sudah selesai berfikir. terus Kirio bilang kalau Pulsanya habis.
Konyol ya, masak dimintai nomor malah bilang Pulsanya habis LOLz ~trik minta di isi pulsa~ LOLz
Lalu J.Law bilang, 'Jangan khawatir kalau kau kehabisan pulsa. berikan saja nomor-mu.'
J.Law tidak bisara secara langsung.
setelah 10 menit berlalu, dia ngirim SMS ke Kirio. isinya begini ."PULSAMU SUDAH DI ISI."
AIYOOOOO >_< How Romantic!!! I wanna to be served like that too bebz.. ENVY!!!
abaikan writer sedang menggila ini.
Tentu saja Kirio kaget, dia berpikir ini tak mungkin terjadi.
Kiriotak membalas sms dari J.Law tersebut. dia hanya berdiri di pintu depan Bar dan melihat J.Law dari situ. Saat itu Kirio sedang bersama temannya yang chubby.
Lalu J.Law menawari mereka untuk minum te bersama, atau makan sushie.
Mereka selesai makan sushie saat malam terlalu larut.
J.Law baru tau kalau Kirio sangat muda. di tau Kirio muda, tapi tidak menyangka kalau dia terlalu muda, jauh dari pikirannya sebelumnya.
J.Law bertanya sama Kirio, Setelah ini dia mau kemana. dipikirya Kirio terlalu muda untuk pergi ke Bar. ia khawatir jika Kirio akan di kerjai oleh berandalan. mungkin saat itu Kirio juga berfikir kalau J.Law itu seorang berandalan juga LOlz... sabar ya papih J.Law.
J.Law bertanya, kemana lagi kau akan pergi setelah ini?
Kirio bilang ia tak tau. sekolahnya juga jauh dari Bar.
lalu J.Law bilang, "Baiklah, bagaimana kalau begini. Aku punya teman bernama XiaoHui (Sumpah, ngeksis bener ni anak/Xiaohui ngagagaga). Dia orang yang baik. rumahnya dekat dari sini. kamu bisa tinggal disana sampai besok pagi. Lalu naik bus dan kembali ke sekolah.
Kirio percaya pada J.Law. setelah itu, J.Law mengajak Kirio ke rumah XiaoHui. Lalu mereka tidur di rumah Xiaohui.
disni ada penjelasan berbeda dari XiaoHui dan J.Law wkkwkwkw.. tak tau mana yang benar.
J.Law bilang kalau XiaoHui tidur di sofa, sementara Kirio tidur di kasur, dan dirinya sendiri duduk sampai pagi.
Kalau XiaoHui beda lagi, Dia bilang kalau Dirinya tidur di kasur, J.Law di kasur sisi yang lain, dan Kirio di sofa.
J.Law masih sempat-sempatnya membantah. katanya dia tak mungkin berada di posisi yang sama sepanjang malam ngagagagag Lolz..
Mereka sepakat untuk 'bersama' seminggu setelahnya. O__oa
mereka memulai hubungan tahun 2007 kan? menikah tahun 2009? correct me if i'm wrong yaaa..
sepertinya para J-Rio shipper ingin Random Fact dari mereka... entahlah saya bisa bikin atau gak.. tapi akan saya usahakan deh ^^
Ini saya ada info sedikit tentang mereka...
Name: J. Law / Xiahe(Chinese name)
Born: 20 May 1982
Blood: O
Hight: 185 cm. Weight: 68 kg. Dia sekarang memiliki sebuah photo studio sangat eksklusif di Beijing, yang disebut HS Vision
Born: 20 May 1982
Blood: O
Hight: 185 cm. Weight: 68 kg. Dia sekarang memiliki sebuah photo studio sangat eksklusif di Beijing, yang disebut HS Vision
Name: Kirio or Luoluo
Born: 13 September 1992
Blood: AB
Hight: 175 cm. Weight: 46 kg. (super slim)
Born: 13 September 1992
Blood: AB
Hight: 175 cm. Weight: 46 kg. (super slim)
Soo.. wait for my next Entry yaaa ^^..
Happy day for you all..
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